Thursday, November 15, 2007


Earl Spencer Willard Sept. 19, 1913- November 12, 2007
We have been very lucky to have lived so close to Kevin's mom and dad. Although we have not visited them as much as we could have, the kids have always been able to spend quality time with them. We will miss grandpa sitting in his rocker, but are glad that he is able to get around now.


Lexie & Sharrid said...

Hey mom, I'm glad you like my blog, Connie says she really is always entertained by reading mine. I'm glad it's not boring, that's for sure. I didn't want it to be blah when I started, I knew I wanted it to be different and a lot of fun. Do you read dad our blogs? I think he would like my tribute post to grandpa.

Michaela said...

Did you have to put that hideous picture of me on the blog? ;)
Oh well...
The blog looks great mom.
I love you and I really miss you.