Monday, April 20, 2009

YAY for Tibi!!

Tibi brought home her report card for 3rd semester as a freshman. She's probably going to kill me, but I thought it was so good, that I wanted to share it with the world! She got all A's except for one B. Hopefully she can finish strong for the end of the year, because that's when the kids get paid for their good grades.

(Sorry this picture is blurry, I have a stupid camera)


Austrie said...

where's landon's report card? :)

Lexie & Sharrid said...

what class was the B in?

Vicki said...

Landon's wasn't worthy of putting on the blog, if you know what I mean. The B was in Geometry.

Michaela said...

Great job Tibi!! :)

Connie said...

Yay, Tibi! It's cool to be smart :)

Tibi said...

wow mom acts like im usually a straight F student..

Lexie & Sharrid said...

well let's face it, besides Connie (the smart one) We all kind of fall into the average range when it comes to grades. In MY defense, I might have tried harder if I could have seen something.