Friday, October 31, 2008

Talk about a Flashback Friday!
This is a photo of Kevin with neices Pam and Jody taken about 1974


Josh and Nikki said...

hahahahaha! :) lookin' good!

Connie said...

Landon looks so much like Dad...Just a tip, Lan- don't grow your hair out like that! Great pictures, Mom!

Vicki said...

Actually, it was all dad!

Sherri said...

Wow...I definitely see Landon in these pictures! I think Bill would just about die if I posted pictures of him from the seventies...I might have to think about doing that sometime, though!

Camie said...

Holy cow. I can see Kira, Lexie and lots of Landon in Kevin. I can even see a little bit of Tibi in Pam or the girl on the right of Kevin. Great pics.

Lexie & Sharrid said...

yeah Landon looks just like dad. That means he'll be a really good looking guy his whole life...not like he isn't now. But you don't have to see these old pics to know that. Dad and lan look the same now too. I think that Randy's boys look a whole lot like dad and lan too...and vica versa...